(Mark Redwine)
By Nia Bender
LA PLATA COUNTY – A man accused of killing his 13-year-old son in southwestern colorado will have to wait a few extra days for the start of his trial. Jury selection has been underway for the trial of Mark Redwine since last week. Everything came to a screeching halt on Thursday after the judge in the case began experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. Results of his test are expected quickly and if he’s negative, jury selection can pick back up next week.
(Dylan Redwine)
13-year old Dylan Redwine disappeared after a court-ordered visit with his father in La Plata County in 2012. It took five-years for Mark Redwine to be charged with murdering his son. The father was arrested in Bellingham, Washington, and extradited back to Colorado. A grand jury indicted him on second-degree murder and child abuse in the death of his son.
The boy was visiting his father in Bayfield for Thanksgiving when he disappeared. The child and his father weren’t getting along and according to witnesses, he didn’t want to spend the holiday with his father. He’d made arrangements to stay at a friend’s house the night he arrived, but Mark Redwine didn’t allow it. Dylan made plans to catch up with his friends the next morning and texts show friends left messages asking where he was. The father told police that Dylan was home when he left to run errands and that he was missing when he got home about four hours later.
In June of 2013, some of the boy’s remains were found on a road about eight miles away from his dad’s house. Two months later, police dogs were used to search for a deceased person. The dogs picked up a scent in Mark Redwine’s home and in his pickup truck. In 2015, hikers found the 13-year old’s skull near the Vallecito Reservoir. It was about a mile and a half away from the original discovery in 2013.