Mayor’s Race: Former Sheriff Endorses Mobolade

Mayoral Candidate Yemi Mobolade

Yemi Mobolade, one of two candidates in the run-off election for Colorado Springs mayor, has been endorsed by a long-time Pikes Peak lawman. Former El Paso County Sheriff Bill Elder officially gave his support to Mobolade on Saturday. Elder says he “wholeheartedly” supports Mobolade as his choice for the position. Mobolade is a local businessman, and Elder says he has worked with Mobolade on a number of civic efforts. Elder believes Mobolade will do what is right for the community “not just special interests.” Mobolade says he is honored to have the former sheriff’s endorsement — calling Elder a model for leaders who “prioritize collaboration.”

Mobolade is facing Wayne Williams in the run-off. Williams has held a number of elected offices in the region and at the state level. The new mayor will be elected and named by mid-May.

Mayoral Candidate
Wayne Williams

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