The Mutual Fund Show

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The Mutual Fund Show® is the first nationally syndicated radio program to offer independent and objective investment advice focused primarily on mutual funds. Listeners across the country tune into The Mutual Fund Show® every weekend to hear one of a kind insight from show founder Adam Bold along with co-hosts Denny and Andy Smith.

The hour-long program is dedicated to explaining the ins and outs of investments like mutual funds, annuities, 401(k) plans, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

Listeners can call into the show or submit questions online for the show and get easy-to-understand answers from the show’s hosts on financial topics that could impact their personal investment assets.

Adam Bold began as host of The Mutual Fund Show® when it began airing in Kansas City in 1998. His ability to de-mystify investing with common-sense, everyday language caught on quickly with listeners nationwide. In addition to host of The Mutual Fund Show®, Bold is founder of The Mutual Fund Store®, the first nationally-branded, independent registered investment advisory organization in the United States.

Denny and Andy Smith joined the show in 2012. They know first-hand what’s on the mind of investors. As senior vice presidents and investment advisors with The Mutual Fund Store, they work daily to help clients navigate the markets, providing investors with much-needed financial and investment direction. With more than 50 years of combined business experience, Denny and Andy have the background, experience, and insight to help our listeners with their financial questions each week on The Mutual Fund Show.

Visit their website by clicking here.


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